forgot that we’re in a bubble

When getting consumed in the world of “I want to succeed/ build something valuable/ disrupt shit/ make lots of money” it’s so so so easy to forget things like

1. racial and gender inequality- once you start thinking of people in terms of their competency, their “hustle”, their ability to think creatively, a few important considerations get lost in the ruckus. Like..income. How color of skin affects…EVERYTHING. How sex and gender impact people’s motivations and focus…and these problems/states of the world become IRRELEVANT. None of your beeswax. Someone else’s problem. Outside the bubble. 

2. there are so many painful horrible things that happen in other countries and at this rate, YOU/ME will have absolutely no impact on how they play out. The most we can do is scan a few buzzfeed articles and photo albums of “bad things happening” and feel guilty for 10 minutes. Our career decisions (“Mom, goldman or this startup??”), promotions, Facebook statuses…mean nothing! I don’t mean to go all “save the babies in Africa” here, but what right do we have to be so self-centered when people. Young people. Old wrinkly people. Unborn people. are CONSUMED with base level problems like starvation. Institutionalized rape. Child marriages. UGH.

3. We’re going to grow up to be snotty Republicans. I can just feel it.

Night time/morning meanderings that have no resolution 😦





Lesson of the day #3:

Shout out to my one and only reader Geoff! Keep on killing it. (Maybe even ~comment~ once in a while….)

You don’t actually have to ask “is someone sitting across from you?” when you want to sit in an empty space at a relatively empty table. Apparently no one in the library minds when you plop your ass down and do your thang without asking.

This is freedom! Don’t gotta use the girly-high pitched – slightly unsure- voice to ask unnecessary questions anymore 🙂

Lesson of the Day #2:

People really love helping college students and young people. Once you graduate…you become a suspicious little bugger who has shady intentions.

But until then, you’re wide-eyed, nervous, and constantly learning. Don’t waste this period of your life by NOT asking for things, people.

(I learned this through the responses to my Listserve email today.)

Lesson of the Day #1

10 Minute dance workouts on youtube are highly effective, and way more fun than treadmilling.

My girl Tiffany Rothe (search: “10 min dance workout”) knows what’s up, and she knows how to get a girl (or boy) sweaty. But like actually. She sweats so much in her videos it’s as if she’s about to go suntanning or back from a waterpark, she’s that shiny. 

If you’re like me–unbearably hot bod, wanna keep it that way, but live soooo far away from the gym–get on your laptop, clear a space in your room or in your living room, and get a dancin.